Thursday, September 6, 2007

Many Eyes

Yet another 'must look at that again later' article... which I haven't much to say about at the moment, but I'm sure it'll come in handy at a later date, not least because it looks at connectedness, learning theories and lots of other H806 related goodness, all in a handy dandy single paragraph!

elearnspace: Many Eyes: "Many Eyes I'm a huge fan of visualization tools (simply because I see them as instrumental in our ability to manage overwhelming amounts of information...and complex, interconnected relationships). One of my favorite sites is IBM's Many Eyes. Data sets can be uploaded (including free text) and visualized and compared in numerous ways. They recently added a word tree visualization. So I uploaded a few original article on connectivism (see the visualization of keywords 'learning theories', or type your own in the text box to see how concepts in the article relate. The article is also available as a tag cloud of words. I then grabbed Stephen Downes' article on Connective Knowledge and uploaded it as a data set - see the visualization of network in the article. You can explore different concepts by clicking on linked words (which expand the map view). Or have a look at the tag cloud. Kinda neat."

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