Thursday, August 30, 2007

Web 2.0 What Went Wrong?

Web 2.0 What Went Wrong? - Trebor Scholz 'journalisms' - "Today, is it feasible to live ethical, meaningful lives in the context of the Social Web?"

A course on how connectedness doesn't work? Or is it just questioning it?

Some interesting resources though and worth a sniff when you've a mo.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Connectivism Blog

Connectivism Blog: "Networks, Ecologies, and Curatorial Teaching"

Another entry on this blog which I'm sure I'll find helpful to refer to at some point. It's quite a nice 'state of play' sorta piece and Siemens summarizes our connectivity explosion succinctly.

In other words... read this properly later, Sarah!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Communications: MySpace Best & Worst Practices for Higher Education

DIOSA | Communications: MySpace Best & Worst Practices for Higher Education: "Through a process of trial and elimination, DIOSA | Comunications has learned what works and what doesn’t work when communicating through MySpace to higher education target audiences. Like most online marketing, there is an etiquette involved and if you’re not careful, you can detour the very audiences you are trying to attract."

A model for best practice in establishing connectedness in HE using social networking? Or another 'top tips' list which is based on hot air and fingers in the wind?

Will be interesting to revisit...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Privacy and Personalization

Privacy and Personalization: From Clickstream to Targeted Advertising: "To personalize pages companies need to know things about us - what we like, what we've seen, what we read and what we purchased. Online retailers are in the business of capturing our information to give them a competitive advantage over their competitors. On the other hand with the rise of social web we have begun voluntarily putting our private information online. We blog our corporate strategies, share our family photos, and make lists of our interests. Yet most people are still concerned about privacy. They may not know exactly what it is that makes them so concerned, but they are concerned. In this post I will look at privacy in the context of personalization from user concerns to target advertising and ownership of clickstreams."

Another good article. The risks of being 'too' connected maybe? All that information that you've released about yourself is generous... to a fault, perhaps? What really happens to it all? Why this feeling of slight disquiet? Who knows what about you? And what are they going to do about it?

Comfortably connected yet?

Top-Ten Teaching and Learning Issues

EDUCAUSE Quarterly | Volume 30 Number 3 2007: "Top-Ten Teaching and Learning Issues, 2007"

Possibly useful for reference later... (i.e. I haven't had chance to read it properly yet but wanted to make a note that at sometime in the unspecified future... I want to)

Strong of will to research, weak of effort...